Rollies (or roll-your-own tobacco) are often believed to be less harmful and more natural than factory-made cigarettes. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Just as deadly

Words like ‘organic’ and ‘natural’ are often used by marketers to imply that a product is a healthier alternative. However, when it comes to tobacco, there is no such thing as 'healthier'.

All tobacco kills, whether it’s a factory-made product, has a fancy name, a special flavour or comes in a nice pouch to roll-your-own. Evidence shows that people who smoke rollies are exposed to the same toxins and carcinogens as those who smoke factory-made cigarettes.  Therefore it’s no surprise that rollies have been proven to cause the same cancers and diseases and have the same high risk to health as factory-made cigarettes.

Infograph on "Health Effects of Smoking" with the logo "Smokefree 60"

And it’s just as expensive

In 2023 the Federal Government announced that rollies will be taxed in line with factory-made products, making them just as expensive. They also announced that annual increases on tobacco tax at 5% will return for a period of at least 3 years.

This price increase is a timely reminder that tobacco smoking will kill two out of three long-term users, regardless of the type of tobacco product. There has never been a better time to quit.

Use our savings calculator to find out how much cash you can gain from quitting, and check out all the health benefits you can look forward to when you kick the habit.

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