This September, Make Smoking History celebrates 20 years of tobacco control in Western Australia. The program was established to reduce smoking rates across the state and continues to:

  • Assist smokers to quit by providing them with information and resources to help plan their quit attempt
  • Influence public opinion and policy on key smoking and health issues
  • Raise awareness of the harms of smoking and the benefits of quitting

Since the early 2000’s the adult smoking rate in WA has more than halved. This has been achieved with a comprehensive approach to tobacco control including smoke-free legislation, regular increases in tobacco excise tax, advertising restrictions on tobacco products, providing targeted interventions for people from priority populations and mass media campaigns.

While the smoking rate is declining, tobacco remains the largest cause of preventable death and disease in Australia. It is vitally important that this public education campaign continues because the fight is far from over.  

Watch our video above to learn more about Make Smoking History's achievements over the last 20 years.

Make Smoking History is proudly funded by the Department of Health WA, Healthway and Cancer Council WA.

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Free Quit Support

Talk to the Quitline

The Quitline is a confidential telephone advice and information service for people who want to quit smoking.

My QuitBuddy App

The My QuitBuddy App tracks your quitting progress, such as days smoke-free, cigarettes avoided, health gained and dollars saved.

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Proven Tips To Quit

Some people think quitting is about willpower, but to quit successfully means being prepared, and understanding your smoking triggers.

Find tips on quitting